Are You Ready?


Everyone should have a plan.

Disasters come in many forms; explosions, hurricanes, tornadoes, and others. Being prepared can reduce fear, anxiety, and losses that accompany these disasters. Individuals, families, and communities should know what to do in the event of a fire and where to seek shelter during a tornado. Knowing what to expect and how to prepare makes any crisis more manageable. 

AF Be Ready Logo


Take these three simple steps to prepare --

Get a Kit - 
Assemble a collection of first aid supplies, food, water, medicines, and important papers that can sustain you and your family until the emergency passes.

Make a Plan - You and your family members may not be together when an emergency strikes. Planning ahead will improve your chances of keeping in touch, staying safe, and quickly reuniting.

Be Prepared - Anticipate emergencies most likely to affect you and your family. This guide will help you think through the basics of preparing yourself and your family for all hazards.

Monthly Outlook

july's monthly outlook

As the summer heat increases, so do extreme heat's effects! This month, we’ll continue discussing how to prepare your household for the dangers of wildfires and how best to handle the dry effects of drought. Both subjects come into play when we discuss fireworks safety with the Fourth of July coming up. Learn with us how to celebrate our country's birthday safely! Let’s also not forget about hurricane preparedness as we continue into the season. Since hurricane season lasts so long, and has such a widespread impact, it’s important to continue to stay ready and informed.

For detailed information on seasonal safety, we recommend checking out these pages:

Droughts - Air Force Be Ready > Disasters/Emergencies > Natural Disasters > Droughts (

Hurricanes - Air Force Be Ready > Disasters/Emergencies > Natural Disasters > Hurricanes (

Wildfires - Air Force Be Ready > Disasters/Emergencies > Natural Disasters > Wildfires (

Extreme Heat - Air Force Be Ready > Disasters/Emergencies > Natural Disasters > Extreme Heat (




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Tyndall AFB, FL 32403-5319

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Date Last Reviewed

This page was last reviewed on:
01 July 2024.